Sunday, April 13, 2008


Negative thinking etc I cant lose weight, i will never be slim

Going on a fad diet. A fad diet is a lifestyle you cannt sustain long term like excluding whole food groups

Not drinking enough water

Drinking sugar laden drinks or eating a lot of lollies.

Not planning. Write a plan of what you are going to eat and a shopping list.

Not tracking. How do you know you are on target if you dont add it up? Tracking allows you to look back at your week to see where it helped or where you went wrong

Eating after you are full. stop.

Skipping breakfast

Starving yourself then bingeing

blaming genetics for fat

holding back on life 'until you are thinner'

procrastinating on tasks that need doing

drinking too much alcohol

saying 'i give up' after minor setbacks

buying foods you cannot eat and cannot control for other ppl, then eating it yourself

having more carbohydrates than other food at your meals

waiting till tomorrow, or monday to start.

falling off the wagon, and not getting straight back on at the next meal

thinking bad days means the week is shot so start again next week

not tracking bad days

talking about weight loss all the time but not doing it...

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